US Transportation Secretary opens APEC's Transportation and Energy Ministerial Conference San Francisco, California, The United States | 13 September 2011
US Energy Secretary opens APEC's Transportation and Energy Ministerial Conference San Francisco, California, The United States | 13 September 2011
US Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk opens APEC MRT 2011 press conference Big Sky, Montana, The United States | 19 May 2011
US Trade Representative Ambassador Ron Kirk opens APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting 2011 Big Sky, Montana, The United States | 18 May 2011
US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke speaks at an APEC SME forum in Big Sky, Montana Big Sky, Montana, The United States | 18 May 2011
APEC manages food safety incidents in Big Sky, Montana Big Sky, Montana, The United States | 16 May 2011
APEC Emergency Preparedness Working Group – International Disaster Management Course Singapore | 27 March 2011
CSIS Interview - Ambassador Muhamad Noor, Executive Director, APEC Secretariat Washington, The United States | 09 March 2011