APEC STAR Conference Delivers Stronger Public-Private Sector Partnership Bangkok, Thailand | 26 February 2003
Study on the Costs of Terrorism: Urges Counter Terrorism Measures be Viewed as an Investment in the Future Bangkok, Thailand | 25 February 2003
Secure Trade in the APEC Region (STAR) Conference this Week, Live Audio Webcast of Event Conclusion and Media Conference Bangkok, Thailand | 23 February 2003
Secure Trade in the APEC Region (STAR) Conference, Guest Speakers and Presenters Schedule for 24 - 25 February, 2003 Le Royal Meridien Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand | 23 February 2003
Enhanced Counter-Terrorism Controls to Promote Efficiency in Regional Export Trade: The APEC STAR Initiative Bangkok, Thailand | 22 February 2003
The Challenge Ahead for APEC 2004 - Opinion article by Ambassador Mario Artaza published in the La Tercera newspaper in Chile (English translation) Santiago, Chile | 20 February 2003
"Canada has Progressed Substantially Towards Free Trade Goals" Chiang Rai, Thailand | 20 February 2003
Symposium on the Gender Dimensions of Multiateral Trade Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Suva, Fiji | 12 February 2003 APEC Secretariat, APEC Work on Gender Integration
Ensuring Privacy Protection and Overcoming Consumer Fear: Goal of APEC e-Commerce Meeting Chiang Rai, Thailand | 11 February 2003